15 November 2010

One of my newest projects

This is my latest scarf project - very portable for working on the way to work.  The yarn is a mix of wool / mohair / silk which gives this project a very nice shimmer.  It's a bluey/green/purple, very deep colours.  The scarf consists of crocheting a foundation row, then half of the circles and then up the other side of the row to complete the circles.  You then join this row, as you go, to another completed row of circles.  This project is 4 rows of circles but I will see how much yarn I have, might go a bit bigger and make it a wrap.

One finished scarf/shawl

Have finished the Cherry  Tree Hill sock yarn scarf / shawl (see beginning pics below), this picture actually shows the colours best but I still could not get a good quality close up.  It's folder here several times over, it will be nice around the neck and throat in winter.

One finished baby blanket

This is my finished baby blanket made from Lion Brand Organic cotton and edged in a cotton/acrylic red yarn.  I am quite happy with the result and now that is finished, can make another one for my girlfriend Anna who is expecting baby no. 2.  I may not have finished the wedding quilt yet but I will get to the baby blanket as at least it's a portable project.  I may edge the new blanket, once done, in green though for something different.